Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Link to Parli Packet if you Lost Yours Like a Loser



PARLI PACKET PART 2 Assignment for Monday 9/13

After reading p.15 to end of your Parli packet and reviewing the first half:


A.  Use this motion [resolution]:


This House would provide National Healthcare


1. Is this an open or closed motion? Why do you think this?

2. Rewrite this policy resolution as a value resolution.

3. Frame the debate in one way other than the obvious.

4. Using the frame you just described, write an introduction of 3 sentences maximum for 

     your 1PC [see p.24 for this terminology].



 1. Why would you want to have a timer in Parli prep?

 2.  You have a partner—why work alone during prep time?



1. What is a point of information?

  2. When can you not attempt a point of information?